Google's calculator is cool!
So you may have used Google before but did you know that it also had a calculator built-in? Just do a search for " calculator " and enjoy. Alternatively, type in a sum such as " 10+4*6 " then get your result. But did you know you can also do graphs? Let's do a really simple one to show what " sqrt(x) " is. We can also do 3d graphs such as " sqrt(x*y) from 0 to 10 " you can also add from and to specifications. Try this quite complicated equation " x+y*y+x*y+y*5-x*15**(x+y)+x*y+x**y from -1.85065e+16 to 1.85065e+16 " it is pretty weird and I kept it quite zoomed out so you can see the massive artifacts. Try this one from -10 to 10 " x+y*y+x*y+y*5-x*15**(x+y)+x*y+x**y from -10 to 10 ". You could also find a graph of Pythagoras theorem " sqrt(x**2+y**2) ". Hope you have fun.