What language do we think in?

Here is a question. What language do we think in? Well maybe you speak English and express your thoughts as English e.g I really need to write a blog post. But inside your brain is it really like that? According to my fictional book twins often develop a private language to communicate although this is relevant because most lies are based on truth.

I am thinking about this blog post as words and just then I decided to do a bit of thinking about your reaction to this post and my conclusion is that I at least think in English words. Did you grow up speaking another language? If so what is your opinion? Leave a comment and share with others so we can solve this mystery!


  1. Hi Max, such a fascinating topic! I have never thought of it before but bilingual and multilingual people DO dream in different languages. I believe that you 'think' in the language that you are operating in. At the same time, you might also 'think' in both languages at the same time if you are talking about things that are relevant in both contexts. For instance, I have to think in both languages if I am talking about my family, my experience in Japan, etc. I mainly think in English and speak English heaps more than Nihongo because I live in Tasmania. It'll be interesting to find out what others think! Let me know if you find out!


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