
In response to "3G Shutdown a Disaster for Australians" by Malcolm Roberts

My response: The 3G shutdown is something that you should want and it's not just a cost-saving measure for the telcos. Firstly, a degradation of coverage is a terrible thing, that should be rectified by upgrading the 4G and 5G coverage, not keeping on 3G on. I fully support government support into ensuring that everyone who relies on it has coverage. As for people with older phones, unfortunately they do need to upgrade, the phones are expected to have a fixed lifespan and basically all phones produced within the last 4 years support VoLTE calling (which is needed to make calls without the 3G network), that's not to say that those manufactured before that don't have it as it can easily be added with a software update. A new VoLTE-compatible phone can be purchased for less than $50. Most phones produced before VoLTE support probably run such old software that they're are a security risk. Now the reason you should want it: the shut-down of the 3G network allows th

Swann SWIFI cameras, such as the XTRCAMW, don't have support for RTSP streaming

 Just putting this out there in case anyone ever wants to know in the future: Swann SWIFI cameras, such as the XTRCAMW, don't have support for RTSP streaming!

Maths Problem #1

A roof exists, on a building 9m x 7m, at an angle of 27° from the horizontal, the roof faces S23°W. If it is raining and the wind is blowing S14°E at 27km/h; how much rainwater does the roof collect assuming the rainwater is falling at 10m/s, at a rate of 22 mm/h over 45 minutes?  

AI art - with ChatGPT

I was wondering if it was possible to use ChatGPT (a language model) to make art. I prompted it by asking "Please create an SVG document depicting a representation of the moon" at first it told me that it wasn't able to create images because it is a text-based model. However - after a few tries it generated the following: Please create an SVG document depicting a representation of the moon I then asked it to add some craters and it did quite a good job. Please add craters I then asked it to make the moon colour more accurate. Make it less saturated and more grey/rock colored. It wasn't really able to replicate the contrast on the edges of the craters though. Please

Little Gold Bees

I had to write this for my English class. The photo is of Eureka Tower in Melbourne. Leafy green trees, On a concrete block, Big gold bees, Swarming steel and glass trees, Outside of Eureka tower, In a CBD’s immense power, Little gold bees.

Make flask development easier with this one simple trick!

Makes flask much much much easier to use with a powershell script.

Chocolate Brownie Recipe

Mmmmm, tasty slabs of chocolate (4x5cm) 1x Mix [2x Mix] Makes 26 [52] Equipment 1 [2] Trays ~550cm 2 Large Mixing Bowl (powdery bowl) Medium Heat Proof Bowl (choccy bowl) Jug (can be bowl) (eggy jug/bowl) Mixing spoon Fork (for whisking) Table Spoon (for chocolate/butter stirring) Choccy Ingredients 125 [250]g Unsalted Butter, chopped 63 [125]g Dark Cooking Chocolate 63 [125]g White Cooking Chocolate Eggy Ingredients 3 [6] Eggs 1.5 [3] tsp Vanilla Extract Powdery Ingredients 335 [670]g White Sugar 115 [230]g Plain Flour 30 [60]g Cocoa Powder 4 [8] grinds Salt 100 [200] White Chocolate Chips Method Preheat oven to 180C or 160C if fan forced Grease a 20cm square cake pan (or similar) and line with baking paper Dump choccy ingredients into a heat proof bowl (choccy bowl) Put the choccy bowl of a saucepan of simmering water (double boiler) and stir the ingredients periodically Combine the powdery ingredients into a large mixing

Scambaiting - Amazon iPhone 12 Edition

Listen on YouTube: I scam bait some amazon scammers! NOTE: Just to be crystal clear I use he/him pronouns and identify as male - the scammer obviously got this wrong. [NOTE: THIS TRANSCRIPT HAS AFFIRMATION WORDS LIKE "YES" "YEAH" AND "OKAY" EXCLUDED FOR READABILITY] ROBOT This is Amazon this call is to authorize the payment of $700 for your recent order on Amazon for Apple iPhone 11. If you did not place this order then please press one to speak to our representative. Thank you. SCAMMER Thank you for getting connected with Amazon my name is Ethan. How can I help you today? MAX Hello I just got a message that said an amazon order had been placed. I have however not placed this order. SCAMMER I'm so sorry for all the inconvenience Ma'am. If you haven't made this order then it might be possible that any of your family member has made the order on your behalf? MAX No I don't think so SCAMMER You don't and

How to get iView shows as an RSS feed!

I was sick and tired of missing new episodes of my favourite iView shows so I created an app which transforms iView into an RSS feed. To get the RSS feed for a show you can simply take the iView show id<showid> and use it in the app<showid> like so. Easy right? This only works on shows with multiple episodes for obvious reasons. If you want a website that will send you emails for RSS feed content - check out  Try checking out  as it will soon have a configurator. For more options and documentation see the readme on GitHub .

How I made my timelapse of the Derwent River

 If you haven't yet watched the timelapse yet you can view it on YouTube here . If you want to watch just the raw footage look here . The setup I used for the timelapse was a webcam on a tripod connected to a raspberry pi 4. Some of the numerous problems I encountered were the webcam letting in light due to its shape - I solved this with a 3d printed shield. Another problem was the windows were double glazed - solved with some black paper with a cutout for the camera. Also the raspberry pi doesn't have a chip for timekeeping so whenever the power went out (like in the power outage) I had to set the time again. My code was also a bit problematic, for some reason my USB could only hold about 2,500 photos. To create the overlay I used a flask webserver that was taking the filename extracting the time and date then showing the information on top of the image served from a file server with all the images. I then used chrome